Jul 22·edited Jul 22Liked by Walter Martin

Walt, who is the performer of the Ravel piece (Gaspard de la nuit, M.55: Ondine) that you used for the intro and after the break music?

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Phillip Egremont

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Jul 20Liked by Walter Martin

Re: Monologue about Bermuda

I'm happy I managed to track down a Bermuda Strollers album with a version of "Bang bang Lulu" on it.

Available for listening here :


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That’s funny I actually have a Bermuda strollers record too but not the one with bang bang lulu! I’m jealous.

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Oh wow that’s so interesting- I guess the Andre Charles could be from 70’s yeah - and just an old school recording quality. So cool to know thanks for the intel - I love this kind of stuff

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I hope Mrs. Martin and her children are not being slowly buried alive by records. You finally played my car's favorite, Waylon Jennings. Yes my Prius's heart belongs to Texas. I need to listen to more post-Bermuda Jonathan Richman.

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Yeah more Waylon to come I’m sure!

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From one fast-talking mumbler to another, I loved this selection of songs, especially that arrangement of Abide With Me. I think it's a hymn that's used in a lot of denominations. I know it's in the Mormon hymnbook. The lyrics are sung from the point of view of someone dying who doesn't want to die alone. Thanks for sharing your record collection on a regular basis!

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Yeah isn’t that Abide with Me amazing. I can’t get enough of it. Thanks for the intel on the song and lyric.

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The Andre Charles album is incredible. He’s also now up to 27 monthly listeners. It appears you’re responsible for this drive in traffic because the “fans also like” section includes Walter Martin, Milan McAlevey, Peter Matthew Bauer, The Walkmen, and Hamilton Leithauser

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Hey Walt, love the radio show. I caught your shows at Bimbos 365 a couple weeks ago with the fellas. Always loved your 'fly into the mystery' cover. Thanks for playing it live!

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Apple Music Playlist for this episode: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/walter-martin-radio-hour-8/pl.u-zPyLmG6ukyl0V

Couldn't find the She Cracked version that was used in the episode so I included the album version.

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The discovery of André Charles' "Pendant je dormais" has made my day.

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Great - yeah the rest of that record is just as good. ‘Marie’ was my first favorite.

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Jul 20Liked by Walter Martin

Sorry Walter, I don't mean to spam your comments board, but I wonder if you know that "Pendant je dormais" is actually a cover of "Il est trop tard", a 1969 song by a monument of "la chanson française", Georges Moustaki.


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Wow ok cool. But don’t you think the Andre Charles record is older than ‘69? I’m not home but I don’t remember a date on it.. And I refuse to look it up. But I always figured it was a 50s recording .. But yeah that’s the same song. I’m impressed you found that. Who the hell is that French fella?

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Jul 20Liked by Walter Martin

I don't know nor have the André Charles album, but it was released in 1974, so it might well have been recorded after the success of the Moustaki song, which I really think is his original work.

Moustaki was actually born in Egypt. He settled in France in the 1950's. Initially, he wrote songs for others, particularly Edith Piaf ("Milord") and Serge Reggiani, but starting with "Le métèque" in 1969 he had success as a performer and was very well-known and respected.


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i thought I responded but maybe it didnt go through so sorry if this is a double response. anyway , this is so interesting. i had no idea about Moustaki and always assumed that song was a Hatian song. I love this info. Amazing. I'll definitely investigate further. Thank you!

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Man, I have been obsessed with Uncle Tupelo’s treatment of Moonshiner recently. Something in the water perhaps. And you’re right, that Andre Charles album is so good. Must be one of the 8 listeners!

Great choices as always!

(full playlist updated below)


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Oh funny I never knew uncle Tupelo did moonshiner I’ll check it out. ✌️

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Wow. I think you left college the moment I made that song one of my mainstays.

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