Walt's playlist when he deejays at his future retirement village

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"I wanted the screw you attitude of Minor Threat...but I also wanted the warmth, love, heart of I Wanna Know What Love Is."

Holy smokes this encapsulates my love for the Walkmen (and JFE). Musically and lyrically willing to burn it all down but unashamed of being total saps.

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Haha yes exactly

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This was throughly enjoyable and very very funny. also due to being a 1975 baby … SAME! … well sort of.. the Gloria part got me good! I was raised on a steady diet of classical music and Roger’s and Hammerstein musicals but around age 6 or 7 I heard my first rock and roll song “Abracadabra” by Steve Miller Band and I will never forget the moment.

Anyway, pls put a bookmark after the Velvet Underground tape and bring us part 2 pls!

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Great and funny episode Walt! Loved it.

Only now realizing how similar Gloria is to Pulp’s ‘Disco 2000’ - same riff and melody.

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You had me at Gloria 🥹❤️

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Right?! What a great song

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